ntroduction: Low birth weight (LBW) is defined by WHO as the weight of live born infants less than 2,500 g irrespective of their gestation. LBW is closely associated with fetal and perinatal mortality and morbidity. At the population level, the proportion of babies with a LBW is an indicator of a multifaceted public-health problem that includes long-term maternal malnutrition, ill health, hard work and poor health care in pregnancy. At an individual level, LBW is an important predictor of newborn health and survival and is associated with higher risk of infant and childhood mortality. Methods: This was a prospective study conducted in the Department of Pediatrics, Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital over a period of 1 year. There was a total of 450 babies in this study, of which 150 were low birth weight babies and the rest 300 babies were weighing 2.5 kg or more. To ascertain the maternal factors responsible for low-birth-weight babies, study of which will enable us to understand the measures involved in reducing the neonatal mortality and morbidity. In this study, an analysis 150 mothers of LBW babies were done and compared with 300 normal weight babies. The variables were subjected to computer analysis using focus format. Results: In mothers who had no education& Mothers belonging to lower socioeconomic class had higher chance of delivering low birth weight babies. Parity has a significant relationship with birth weight. There is significant association of PIH and oligohydramnious with birth weight. Maternal malnutrition and anaemia have a significant association with LBW Conclusion: This study was conducted to know the maternal and bio-social factors that influence low birth weight babies. There was no significant association with maternal age and religion (community) with birth weight in our study. Parity has a significant relationship with birth weight with higher birth weight among women with higher parity. There is significant association of PIH and oligohydramnious with birth weight. Maternal malnutrition and anaemia have a significant association with LBW with higher incidence of Low birth weight among malnourished and anaemic mothers.
Low birth weight (LBW) is defined by WHO as the weight of live born infants less than 2,500 g irrespective of their gestation. LBW is closely associated with fetal and perinatal mortality and morbidity. At the population level, the proportion of babies with a LBW is an indicator of a multifaceted public-health problem that includes long-term maternal malnutrition, ill health, hard work and poor health care in pregnancy. At an individual level, LBW is an important predictor of newborn health and survival and is associated with higher risk of infant and childhood mortality.1
Many socio-biological factors have been postulated to determine the birth weight of the newborn. The principal among these are maternal age, weight, height, education, parity, antenatal care, maternal smoking, and sex of the baby.2
In addition, LBW has a higher association with the incidence of infection, malnutrition and handicapping conditions during childhood.3,4
In developing countries, many women are short and underweight and the number of low birth weight (LBW) babies is particularly high (more than 30% in South Asia, 10-20% in other regions.5 LBW infants have less chance of survival; when they do survive, they are more prone to disease, growth retardation and impaired mental development. A good start in life is important and maternal nutritional status during pregnancy has repeatedly been demonstrated to be associated with pregnancy outcomes for the infant.6 Keeping all these in views, an attempt has been made to carry out a study on LBW babies at our institution.
Aim: This study aims at evaluating the risk factors for LBW in infants.
This was a prospective study conducted in the Department of Pediatrics, Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital over a period of 1 year. There was a total of 450 babies in this study, of which 150 were low birth weight babies and the rest 300 babies were weighing 2.5 kg or more.
Babies were included in this study according to the following criteria:
Inclusion criteria
Live birth babies
Singleton babies
Exclusion criteria
Still births
Twin gestation
Babies with major congenital anomalies
Method of study
In this study, an analysis 150 mothers of LBW babies were done and compared with 300 normal weight babies. The variables were subjected to computer analysis using focus format. The data was analyzed using a Chi-Square for quantitative data. Chi square test was used to calculate p value. P value was considered significant if <0.05. SPSS version 16 software is used to do the necessary statistical calculations.
The first weight of the new born was obtained after birth. The weight was measured preferably within the first hour of life before significant postnatal loss of weight has occurred.
Birth weight measurements were compared to measurements within 24 hours of birth. Heavy objects like metal forceps, for occluding umbilical cord were omitted. Weight scales were checked at intervals for accuracy.
The details of mothers who had delivered infants within the last 24 hours below 2500 grams were taken from the labour room and postnatal ward. The neonates were weighed naked within 24 hours after birth in a spring-dial baby weighing machine with sensitivity of 20 gms and graded upto 4 1/2 kgs in 20 gram units. Sex of the baby was noted. Any congenital malformation was ruled out.
The same procedure used above for locating the infants was also used to trace the mother
The mothers were weighed barefoot after checking the weighing scale for accuracy. If the mothers had any difficulty in walking, the weighing machine was taken next to their beds.
The advantage of spring balance was its easy transportability.
The patients were clinically examined and the basic laboratory investigations were done to determine the following diseases:
A] Tuberculosis -
B] Heart diseases-
C] Anemia- All the mothers who were anemic on clinical examination were evaluated for their hemoglobin status. A hemoglobin percentage of less than 9gms was considered significant.
-blood pressure of more than 140/90 mm of Hg
E] Antepartum hemorrhage: Bleeding from the placental site after the 28th week of pregnancy or during the first and second stage of labour.
-Accidental hemorrhage- Bleeding due to premature separation of a normally situated placenta. -Inevitable hemorrhage- Due to separation of the placenta, wholly or partially situated in the lower uterine segment [placenta previa]
F] Diabetes mellitus
G] renal diseases- Nephritis and Nephrosis Urinary tract infections
9) Irrespective whether the cases are booked or unbooked, the following factors are taken into consideration:
Table 1: Incidence Of Low-Birth-Weight Babies Among Mothers Of Different Age Groups
Group |
Total |
cases |
Controls |
Mother age |
<20 |
4 2.7% |
13 4.3% |
17 3.8% |
20-29 |
130 86.7% |
270 90.0% |
400 88.9% |
>30 |
16 10.7% |
17 5.7% |
33 7.3% |
Total |
150 100.0% |
300 100.0% |
450 100.0% |
X2 = 4.26, P=0.118, NS
Maternal age is divided into 3 groups: <20 years, 20-29 years and >30 years. Maternal age does not have any statistical significance in our study as p = 0.11
Table 2: Incidence Of Low-Birth-Weight Babies Among Mothers of Different Communities
Group |
Total |
cases |
Controls |
Community Hindu |
130 86.7% |
276 92.0% |
406 90.2% |
Muslim |
13 8.7% |
13 4.3% |
26 5.8% |
Christian |
7 4.7% |
11 3.7% |
18 4.0% |
Total |
150 100.0% |
300 100.0% |
450 100.0% |
x2 = 3.815, p=0.148, NS
Community is divided into 3 groups:
Hindus, Muslims and Christians. In our study, community does not have a significant association in our study as p = 0.148
Table 3: Incidence Of Low-Birth-Weight Babies Among Mothers of Different Levels of Education
Group |
Total |
cases |
Controls |
Mother Edu |
illiterate |
76 50.7% |
73 24.3% |
149 33.1% |
Primary education |
12 8.0% |
35 11.7% |
47 10.4% |
secondary education |
62 41.3% |
192 64.0% |
254 56.4% |
Total |
150 100.0% |
300 100.0% |
450 100.0% |
x2 = 31.33, p<0.001, HS
Maternal education ranged from to graduation and was divided into 3groups- illiteracy, primary education and secondary education. Association of maternal education and birth weight is statistically significant. Among the mothers who were having low birth weight babies, 50.7 % had no education; when compared to mothers who gave birth to normal babies (only 24.3% had no education in control group). Thus, p value is highly significant.
Table 4: Incidence Of Low-Birth-Weight Babies Among Mothers of Varried Socio-Economic Classes
Group |
Total |
cases |
Controls |
Socioeconomic class |
I |
2 1.3% |
13 4.3% |
15 3.3% |
II |
13 8.7% |
104 34.7% |
117 26.0% |
82 54.7% |
169 56.3% |
251 55.8% |
IV |
41 27.3% |
13 4.3% |
54 12.0% |
V |
12 8.0% |
1 .3% |
13 2.9% |
Total |
150 100.0% |
300 100.0% |
450 100.0% |
x2 = 93.17, p<0.001, HS
Socioeconomic class is divided into 5 classes according to Kuppuswamy classification: I, II, III, IV, V. 54.7% of mothers who had LBW baby belonged to class III. There is a higher statistical significance between birth weight and socioeconomic class.
Table 5: Incidence Of Low-Birth-Weight Babies Among Mothers Undergoing Normal Vaginal Delivery Vs C Section
Group |
Total |
cases |
Controls |
DELIVERY normal vaginal delivery MODE |
89 59.3% |
226 75.3% |
315 70.0% |
cesarean section |
61 40.7% |
74 24.7% |
135 30.0% |
Total |
150 100.0% |
300 100.0% |
450 100.0% |
x2 = 12.19, p<0.001, HS
Deliveries were divided into 2 groups: esarean section (elective and emergency) and normal vaginal delivery (episiotomy and forceps delivery). Among the mothers who delivered LBW baby, 59.3 % were delivered by normal vaginal delivery. p value is found to be significant.
Table 6: Incidence Of Low-Birth-Weight Babies Among Mothers with Different Weights
Group |
Total |
cases |
Controls |
Mother Wt |
<50 kg |
89 59.3% |
40 13.3% |
129 28.7% |
51-60 kg |
56 37.3% |
241 80.3% |
297 66.0% |
> 60 kg |
5 3.3% |
19 6.3% |
24 5.3% |
Total |
150 100.0% |
300 100.0% |
450 100.0% |
x2 = 103.51, p<0.001, HS
There is a higher statistical signifance when the maternal weight is compared to birth weight ( p<0.001). In the mothers having weight < 50 kg, low birth weight incidence is 59.3%, while the incidence in those weighing > 50 kg is 40.6%.
Table 7: Incidence Of Low-Birth-Weight Babies Among Mothers with Different Heights
Group |
Total |
cases |
Controls |
Mother Ht |
<145 cm |
67 44.7% |
18 6.0% |
85 18.9% |
145-154 cm |
70 46.7% |
121 40.3% |
191 42.4% |
155-164 cm |
13 8.7% |
161 53.7% |
174 38.7% |
Total |
150 100.0% |
300 100.0% |
450 100.0% |
x2 = 132.46, p<0.001, HS
Maternal height is divided into 3 groups: <145 cm, 145-154 cm and 155-164cm. Among the mothers who delivered low birth weight babies, 91.4 % had short stature (height < 145cm). p value <0.001, thus the association of maternal height and birth weight is of statistical significance.
Table 8: Incidence Of Low-Birth-Weight Babies Among Mothers Primi Vs Multi & Grand Multi
Group |
Total |
cases |
Controls |
Parity |
Primi |
76 50.7% |
163 54.3% |
239 53.1% |
Multi |
63 42.0% |
91 30.3% |
154 34.2% |
Grand multi |
11 7.3% |
46 15.3% |
57 12.7% |
Total |
150 100.0% |
300 100.0% |
450 100.0% |
x2 = 9.28, p=0.010, sig
Parity ranged from 1 to 5 and is divided into 3 groups: Primi, Multi and Grand multi (G4 or more). In our study, parity has statistically significant association with regards to birth weight of baby. In our study, 42% of the mothers who delivered babies with birth weight < 2500 gms are multiparous when compared with control group. P value<0.010 and thus of statistical significance.
Table 9: Incidence Of Low-Birth-Weight Babies Among Mothers with Varied Maternal Risk Factors
Group |
Total |
cases |
Controls |
Maternal risk factors (diseases/habits) |
None |
54 36.0% |
243 81.0% |
297 66.0% |
21 14.0% |
10 3.3% |
31 6.9% |
38 25.3% |
7 2.3% |
45 10.0% |
9 6.0% |
19 6.3% |
28 6.2% |
1 .7% |
16 5.3% |
17 3.8% |
11 7.3% |
5 1.7% |
16 3.6% |
13 8.7% |
0 .0% |
13 2.9% |
3 2.0% |
0 .0% |
3 .7% |
Total |
150 100.0% |
300 100.0% |
450 100.0% |
Fishers exact test p<0.001, HS
There is a significant association between maternal risk factors like Oligohydramnious, PIH (pregnancy induced hypertension), and birth weight. Among the mothers who have delivered LBW babies, about 25% had oligohydramnious, 14% had PIH (Pregnancy induced hypertension). p value is significant especially with the group having oligohydramnious. The incidence of GDM (Gestational Diabetes Mellitus) and UTI (Urinary tract infections) are comparatively on the higher side in the study group.
Table 10: Incidence Of Low-Birth-Weight Babies in Relation to Sex of Baby
Group |
Total |
cases |
Controls |
Baby sex |
Male |
75 50.0% |
172 57.3% |
247 54.9% |
Female |
75 50.0% |
128 42.7% |
203 45.1% |
Total |
150 100.0% |
300 100.0% |
450 100.0% |
x2 = 2.17, p=0.141, NS
About 50% of the low-birth-weight babies born were male. p = 0.141, thus there is no significant association between sex of baby and birth weight.
Table 11: Incidence Of Low-Birth-Weight Babies in Relation to Maternal Nutritional Status
Group |
Total |
cases |
Controls |
42 28.0% |
233 77.7% |
275 61.1% |
inadequate |
108 72.0% |
67 22.3% |
175 38.9% |
Total |
150 100.0% |
300 100.0% |
450 100.0% |
x2 = 103.79, p<0.001, HS
In our study, mothers who had inadequate diet had higher incidence of LBW babies (72%) when compared with to controls. Thus there is a strong statistical significance in the association of maternal malnutrition with low birth weight.
Mothers are divided into 3 groups: <20 years, 20-29 years and >30 years. Maternal age does not have any statistical significance in our study as p = 0.118. This is similar to the study done by K.S. Negi7, but contrary to the earlier studies done by Parlington8 and Tabcharoen9, where maternal age <20 yearshas higher incidence of low birth weight. Among the mothers who delivered babies with birth weight > 2500 gms, majority (90%) belonged to the age group of 2029 years, which is similar to the findings observed by N.S. Nair et al. 10 Community is divided into 3 groups: Hindus, Muslims and Christians. In our study, community does not have a significant association in our study as p = 0.148. This is similar to the study done by N.S. Nair et al10
Maternal education ranged from illiteracy to graduation and was divided into 3 groups- illiteracy, primary education and secondary education. Association of maternal education and birth weight is statistically significant. Among the mothers who were having low birth weight babies, 50.7 %had no education. p value is highly significant. This is similar to the study done by Selina Khatun11 and Saroj Parchiary12.
Maternal occupation is divided into 3 groups: housewife, labour and others. About 12.7% of mothers who had LBW babies were labourers when compared to the mothers of babies with normal birth weight (control group) where it is 0.7%. Thus, there is association of occupation and birth weight with p value highly significant in the labour group.
This is similar to the results of Selina Khatun11 and Saroj Parchiary12.
Socioeconomic class is divided into 5 classes according to Kuppuswamy classification: I (upper), II(upper middle), III(lower middle), IV(lower middle), V(lower). 54.7% of mothers who had LBW baby belonged to class III. There is a higher statistical significance between birth weight and socioeconomic class. This is similar to the studies done by N.S Nair4, James Donnelly13, Saroj Parchiary12 and Shanti Ghosh14.
Deliveries were divided into 2 groups: cesarean section (elective and emergency) and normal vaginal delivery (episiotomy and forceps delivery). Among the mothers who delivered LBW baby, 59.3 % were delivered by normal vaginal delivery.p value is found to be significant.
There is a higher statistical signifance when the maternal weight is compared to birth weight ( p<0.001). In the mothers having weight < 50 kg, low birth weight incidence is 59.3%, while the incidence in those weighing > 50 kg is 40.6%. This is similar to the studies done by E J Love15, James Donnelly13, Niyogi16 and Shanti Ghosh14.
Maternal height is divided into 3 groups: <145 cm, 145-154 cm and 155-164 cms. Among the mothers who delivered low birth weight babies, 91.4 % had short stature (height < 145cm). p value <0.001, thus the association of maternal height and birth weight is of higher statistical significance. This is similar to the studies done by S. Ganesh kumar17.
Parity ranged from 1 to 5 and is divided into 3 groups: Primi, Multi and Grand multi (G4 or more). In our study, parity has statistically significant association with regards to birth weight of baby. In our study, parity has statistically significant association with regards to birth weight of baby. In our study, 42% of the mothers who delivered babies with birth weight < 2500 gms are multiparous when compared with control group. P value<0.010 and thus of statistical significance. This is similar to the studies done by S. Mukherji18, Mohsin19 , Datta Banik20 and Khin Nyunt21 according to whom birth weight increases with parity. Studies done by Khetua22 and Bachani23 also showed similar results.
There is a significant association between maternal risk factors like Oligohydramnious, PIH (pregnancy induced hypertension), and birth weight. Among the mothers who have delivered LBW babies, about 25% had oligohydramnious, 14% had PIH. p value is significant especially with the group having oligohydramnious. The incidence of APH (antepartum hemorrhage) and PROM (premature rupture of membranes) is comparatively on the higher side among the controls. Studies done by AMMark Anez Conteras 24 and LR Rahman 25 also showed that PIH is a risk factor for LBW.
About 50% of the low-birth-weight babies born were male. p = 0.141, thus there is no significant association between sex of baby and birth weight. Similar results were obtained from the studies done by B Mondal 26.
In our study, mothers who had inadequate diet had higher incidence of LBW babies (72%) when compared with to controls. Thus there is a strong statistical significance in the association of maternal malnutrition with low birth weight. Similar results were obtained by A Dharmalingam.27
Maternal Hb% ranged from 6.5% to 13.5% and is classified into 3 groups: 10gm%,1011gm%,>11gm%. In our study, 32.7% of the mothers who delivered babies with birth weight < 2500 gms had Hb% < 10 gm%, thus p value is significant in the group having Hb% < 10 gm%. SPachauri , S MMarevah 28, Khetua22 and Shanti Ghosh14 also mentioned that anaemia is a risk factor for LBW.
This study was conducted to know the maternal and bio-social factors that influence low birth weight babies. There was no significant association with maternal age and religion (community) with birth weight in our study. There was higher incidence of low-birth-weight babies among illiterate mothers. Mothers belonging to lower socioeconomic status had higher chance of delivering low birth weight babies. Parity has a significant relationship with birth weight with higher birth weight among women with higher parity. There is significant association of PIH and oligohydramnious with birth weight. There is no significant association of LBW with sex of the baby. Maternal malnutrition and anaemia have a significant association with LBW with higher incidence of Low birth weight among malnourished and anaemic mothers.